Thursday, February 18, 2010

Well, alright then!

I'm trying, I tells ya! Without going totally girlie & tmi on you, I'm having a very rough week. It involves debilitating cramps, faintness and cravings for red meat (iron) and chocolate (chocolate). Yet, I had in my last post promised to be good, good, good. Or at least strive for goodness. So I have been dragging myself to the gym for treadmill sessions. The me vs. me would have been hilarious if I were watching someone else battle her inner sloth. I basically bribed and negotiated my way through two 4-mile sessions. Passerby with mind-reading abilities might have caught these gems from my internal struggle:
  • "You can run the whole thing at your slowest pace if you need to"
  • "I'll try, but I'm already tired"
  • "...although this is the shorter run this week, so you should try to go a bit faster maybe?"
  • "3 minutes I've been on this thing???! I think it's broken"
  • "You can drink water at a mile"
  • "I might just do 2 miles"
And so on.  Eventually I got the sh!t over and done with and of course felt fantastic (and famished) afterwards. In a rush, I had the best little treat on the run from Starbucks. I love their yogurt parfaits once in a while. There's one with peaches and one with berries. All the nutrition info is on there and it's already in my online tracking database, so all signs point to Easy. (I actually prefer to make my own version of this at home and plan to make a batch of my homemade granola tomorrow, but the Starbucks option is nice to have when needed.) As I entered the cafe, I saw there was one yogurt left! It ended up being a dark cherry, which I wasn't sure about, but desperate times... It was delicious. Tasted like a cherry cobbler. And quite filling.

I'm a bit worried about this month's weigh-in next week. It's been a weird rocky month. Although I'm quite pumped about my running progress, my food (and drink) intake has been at times what can only be called a free-for-all. I'm trying to get that under control and make room for more planned indulgences. So far I've been sticking to my promise to myself to track all food (even the chocolate Entenman's donut, 300 calories for one, thank you very little!), do all slated runs (even with the cramp attack and the Fitness magazine article warning me about the risk of premenopausal women suffering exercise-induced strokes - how is that helping my FitQuest?!), and get in a yoga session (that hasn't happened yet, but I'm still committed to fitting it in on or before Sunday at sundown!)

Is it me? Is it Winter? I need a mojo overhaul. But I'm fighting on, so help me, I am... 


  1. Aah! Some days we have to play these little games. Lamppost to lamppost for me sometimes!

  2. Ohh...I had to laugh at that post. Sometimes I have to cajole myself into walking from one block to the next. But you did your run -- congrats to you!
