I remembered to weigh in today. Up half a lb. since I started working, though I completely forgot last week's weigh-in, so who knows? I ended the month of April down. And that's why I post those scary little numbers only at the end of the month. Whatever else may be going on in my life, at least I get a sense of overall trend in those monthly stats.
Is there a blogger award for typing entire posts with your thumbs?? I have been remiss in all things weight loss: tracking food, measuring, working out, and blogging. Yep, that just about covers all the things I rely on in my "journey". Hence I find myself knocking this out on my blackberry on the subway.
Positives: since I didn't really cut out any foods or drinks from my "program" (everything in air quotes when you're blogging pre-coffee), I don't feel I went outta control "off" plan despite not tracking and measuring. That helps. Also I did wake up and go for a run yesterday. Since I could only spare 30 minutes, I incorporated sprints. My goal is to wake early on 2 weekdays to workout and then get 2 sessions of activity in on the weekend. Or honestly, even one weekend session if I'm really exhausted come Sunday. Not ideal, I know ("ideal"!) but I want to be realistic and aim for something achievable and sustainable.
Sadly my bodybugg has been on the fritz and has thus not been a part of my life this past week. Luckily my friend (who gave me a bugg when she purchased one for herself) will allow me to borrow hers to help me diagnose what is ailing mine (not sure if it's the arm device or the display watch, which has a fresh new battery btw). But I would like to incorporate that into my plan - even if the bugg may be more obvious under work clothes, potentially inviting commentary or questions. I got by in the past with it's a pedometer.
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